The Club agreed to support the Hope Hub in Camberley by organising a collection of needed foods and toiletries from our members from time to time. Find out more at The Hope Hub
£1,550 donated to Camberley Family Contact Centre.
Their Mission: We aim to promote contact in a safe and welcoming environment, between the child and the non resident member of their immediate family.
They provide a safe and neutral venue where children can meet the parent they no longer live with. They also make it possible to meet other members of their estranged family. The Centre can be used as a place where children may be ‘handed over’ to their non-resident parent for outside contact and ‘handed back’ later to their resident parent.
All volunteers are impartial and all information is confidential except in the event of a child protection or safeguarding issue. They do not report what happens during contact but will confirm attendances should that be required.
Camberley and District Family Contact Centre offers supported contact only. Supported contact takes place in a variety of neutral community venues where there are facilities to enable children to develop and maintain positive relationships with non-resident parents and other family members. Supported Child Contact Centres are suitable for families when no significant risk to the child or those around the child has been identified.
The basic elements of supported contact are:
- Impartiality
- Staff and volunteers are available for assistance but there is no close observation, monitoring or evaluation of individual contacts/conversations
- Several families are usually together in one or a number of rooms
- Encouragement for families to develop mutual trust and consider more satisfactory family venues
- Apart from attendance dates and times, no detailed report will be made to a referrer, CAFCASS, a party’s solicitor or Court, unless there is a risk of harm to the child, parent or Centre worker
- An acknowledgment that it be viewed as a temporary arrangement to be reviewed after an agreed period of time
To find out more go to Camberley Family Contact Centre