
New Members - Temporary closure of membership.

We are very sorry to say that we are unable, at this time, to accept new members into the club.

We have now reached a level of membership where we are struggling to provide the court availability to meet the demand, and it would be unfair to our current membership, or indeed any new members, to make that situation worse.

We hope this is a short term problem and we are actively seeking new venues, as well as looking to increase court availability at the venues we currently use.

Runnymede Royals Pickleball Club are committed to expanding and introducing the sport to new participants and will do everything we can to open up the membership as soon as possible.

However, we have created a reserve list. Ayone looking to join in the future can email our Club Captain – Ian Watson (– and ask to be placed on the list. Successful applicants will be notified accordingly.

Visiting Players

All sessions are pre-booked by members. If you are visiting from another club, in order to avoid disappointment and to ensure you attend a session at the appropriate level, please contact our Captain Ian Watson ( 07584818417). 

Pickleball England Individual Membership

We encourage all our members to join our Governing Body Pickleball England. If you wish to represent RRPC in the Leagues, then it is a prerequisite to be a member. (Membership is free and you are not bombarded with emails).

RRPC 2023 Member Survey Results

Thanks to Vee Baker for performing this survey and presenting the findings. Click here for results.

Honorary Members

Alan Speller and Paul Telling have been awarded Honorary Membership to RRPC as the founder members of the club and their subsequent services of support.

Lifetime Members

Mick Rust for being on the Committee and being the Sessions Manager for RRPC from 2018 to 2022.

Offices held within Pickleball Governing Bodies:

Frank Arico serves as President of the European Pickleball Federation.

Frank Arico held the office of Director for Pickleball England from 2019 to 2024.

Dave Hughes, South East (S) Regional Director role with Pickleball England responsible for Kent, East & West Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire and London South of the Thames. He is working on some special projects for Pickleball England, leveraging his experience and contacts.
-Working with Thaddea Lock to promote more female participation at all ages and levels through the Women’s Sport Collective.
-Identifying sponsorship opportunities for Pickleball England.
-Work with Local Authority Leisure Centre Management companies to identify more available courts for pickleball.

David Bungard is Pickleball England’s County Rep for Surrey and Greater London.

David O’Brien is Pickleball England’s County Rep for Berkshire.

Sue Harris held the office of SE Director for Pickleball England from 2019 to 2022.