Tournaments structures vary but many offer:
- Singles
- Mens Doubles
- Ladies Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
- Teams
Players can enter with known partners or request to be found a partner. Most tournaments guarantee you a minimum number of games and then go into a knockout phase to determine medal winners.
Festivals generally do not have medals but allow individuals to play with a huge variety of other players from different clubs. These are a great opportunity to be exposed to different styles of play whilst also meeting new players.
Tournival is a a tournament but not quite as described above. It offers competitive games in distinct skills groups and there are medals for those with the best results. Unlike other tournaments, however, you do not select your partner
but rather are paired up with different partners. A festival but not quite as we know it. It is an opportunity for lots of enthusiastic pickleballers from across the county to come and play games against people they might not normally play with or against.
Links to find out where tournaments/festivals/tournivals are taking place:
European tournaments by country
Hertforsdhsire 65+ Gender Doubles 27th April 2025
Details of a local tournament held in Basingstoke on 26/27th Apr 2025 Please note there is also a League match on 27th April